About Us

“Introducing Unknown, Exceptional Products to Japan!”

Our Services

“Provide Excellent Crowdfunding Support And The Digital Market Services In The Japanese Market”


Japan has primarily three crowdfunding platforms.
among which ‘MAKUAKE’ stands as the largest.

In December 2019, MAKUAKE made its debut on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market.

With over 1,000 instances of crowdfunding campaigns exceeding 10 million yen, it has become a platform with a substantial number of successful large-scale fundraising cases.

“Our crowdfunding operations not only utilize ‘MAKUAKE’ but also other platforms such as ‘Machi-ya’ and ‘CAMPFIRE’ ‘GREEN FUNDING’ ‘Creema Springs’for fundraising and product sales.

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We are always thinking about what kind of service is best for our customers, and we aim to improve our products and expand our services.
We will continue to strive to make Apex Global an indispensable company for our customers.
